This is the official website of Pembroke Dock Town Council.

Pembroke Dock Town Council is the local face of local government - the grass roots. Its role is varied and extensive. Pembroke Dock is divided into five electoral wards, Central, Bufferland, Pennar, Bush and Market, with sixteen town councillors representing the area. However, above all, town councillors are there to act on behalf of all the residents and must abide by the National Code of Conduct at all times.



Pembroke Dock Town Council has primary responsibility for:


  • Erection and maintenance of the towns festive lighting displays and hanging baskets
  • Planning Consultee (with all local plans available in the office for public reference)

In addition:

  • Provides a stepping stone to Pembrokeshire County Council and gives advice on who does what and how to access people.
  • Consulted on policing policy, schools policy and planning policy for the town.
  • Acts on local matters involving highways, community transport schemes, parking and crime prevention in liaision with the various authorities.
  • Supports and gives donations to local bodies and charitable organisations


The Town Council also have many other powers not covered by the above, such as making specific bye laws. All powers and actions carried out are governed by the Local Government Act, Public Health Acts and other Acts of Parliment.


Members of the public are able to attend meetings, and are allocated a section within the agenda to address the Council, this is limited to 10 minutes per speaker. Meetings are usually held every 4 weeks on a Thursday evening except in August. Notices of the meeting dates are displayed at Pembroke Dock Town Council Offices, 28 Dimond Street, Pembroke Dock, and also on this website.


Any matter concerning the town which a member of the public wishes to be discussed can be done through a letter to the council or through a local councillor who will then table the item on the next agenda.


Signed minutes of meetings are available for public inspection at the Town Council offices by appointment with the Clerk.


Councillors and officers of Pembroke Dock Town Council work closely with members of Pembrokeshire County Council, so if you have any concerns or suggestions please do not hesitiate to contact Pembrokeshire County Council or your Local Councillor.


Upcoming Meetings


Full Council

Thursday 6th March 2025



Finance Committee



Personnel Committee



Planning Committee

Monday 3rd February 2025

11 am.



Pembroke Dock Town Council

28 Dimond Street

Pembroke Dock 


SA72 6BT




Phone: +44 (0)1646 684410


Or use our contact form.

Office Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

09.00am till 1.00pm



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© Copyright Pembroke Dock Town Council 2013