Grants application pack is shown below
The Town Council is permitted under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) to make community grants and donations to voluntary bodies and also to charities where no specific grant making power exisits in other legislation and where, in the Councils opinion, the grant will benefit any part of the inhabitants.
The Town Council have indicated that the following priorities will be met in its community grants and donations programme -
Support for Older people - Support voluntary organisations working with the elderly within the community
Children and Young people - Investing in young people and those organisations working with young people to provide skills and recreational opportunities
Safer and Stronger communities - Support for initiatives to improve the town environment
The Town Council within the limitation of the resources available wish to support charities or not for profit organisations who are engaged in helping those who live within the Town Council area or organisations based outside the town that benefit people who live in Pembroke Dock (The postcode for the Town Council area is SA72 6--). Prioirity will be given to organisations which have a base in the town.
The Council will therefore consider offering grants and donations to those bodies which meet the following criteria:
The Town Council will not provide grants or donations to activities promoting political or religious beliefs.
The Town Council require a formal grant application form to be completed from voluntary groups/ charitable organisations
If you have any difficulty completing this form please contact the Town Council staff for assistance.
Please note:
All applications will be discussed in open Council, and information contained on the application form will be available for public inspection.
Because of the Councils financial limitations it cannot guarantee that all application meeting the criteria will recieve a grant.
If grants are awarded by the Town Council then organisations must comply with the following rules.
1. Pembroke Dock Town Council must be promoted as sponsors on projects that have been funded by them.
2. Pembroke Dock Town Council will receive a progress report on the specific funded project before the end of the financial year in which the grant is paid and certainly before another grant is applied for.
3. The organisation applying for a grant must show that other grants have been sought.
4. Of the people benefiting from the grant, the majority must be in Pembroke Dock.
5. The Town Council must be assured that the organisation is viable and worthwhile.
News and Events
Upcoming Meetings
Full Council
Thursday 5th December 2024
6.30pm - Hybrid
Finance Committee
Personnel Committee
Planning Committee
Pembroke Dock Town Council
28 Dimond Street
Pembroke Dock
SA72 6BT
Phone: +44 (0)1646 684410
Or use our contact form.
Office Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
09.00am till 1.00pm