Information from Pembroke Dock Town Council Meetings
The Minutes of all Town Council meetings are listed below. They record discussions held and all decisions made and are documents which the council is legally obliged to hold and make available to the public. They are kept in paper form and in recent years, these minutes are also stored electronically. The minutes of the previous month’s meeting are made available to the members and other organisations at least 3 clear days before the next timetabled meeting.
Members of the public may attend any of the meetings and if they wish to raise a question on any matter are given an allotted time at the beginning of the meeting. Any actions from a meeting are then normally followed up – sometimes by a Councillor for the ward or more usually - the Town Clerk.
Any matters considered private and confidential will be considered at the end of the meeting when members of the public must leave.
Old minutes provide information on the history of decisions and discussion held. Currently electronic versions of minutes are available on the council web-site going back to February 2000. Older written minutes are available for public inspection at the Town Council offices by appointment.
News and Events
Upcoming Meetings
Full Council
Thursday 6th March 2025
Finance Committee
Personnel Committee
Planning Committee
Monday 3rd February 2025
11 am.
Pembroke Dock Town Council
28 Dimond Street
Pembroke Dock
SA72 6BT
Phone: +44 (0)1646 684410
Or use our contact form.
Office Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
09.00am till 1.00pm